

Sun, 4 Jul 2021
All Day

by jason graham
Posted: over 3 years ago
Updated: about 3 years ago by Jason Graham
Visible to: public

Time zone: Brisbane
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm (duration is 1 day)

Please complete this form to register and attend the SEQ Mini Carnival.
Venue: Ormeau, QLD
Date: Sunday 4 July 2021

Latest from Burchie…
By now you should all be aware of the Lockdown that will occur from Tuesday the 29th of June at 6:00 PM until Friday the 2nd of July at 6:00 PM. Please refer to the link below with respect to the areas and conditions .

The key points to be taken are as follows for people living in the effected LGA’s. You can only leave your residence (which includes temporary accommodation such as a holiday rental) for limited permitted purposes such as:
obtaining essential goods or services, including healthcare (including vaccinations)
attending essential work or childcare
assisting vulnerable persons
You should stay in your local area wherever possible.
You can only have two visitors to your residence (excluding volunteers and workers).
You can exercise away from your home with your household group and/or one other person not from your household.
You must carry a face mask at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
You must wear a mask in indoor spaces, such as:
shopping centres and supermarkets, hospitals and aged care facilities, if permitted to visit
indoor workplaces (where safe to wear a mask and you can’t physically distance)
public transport, taxis and rideshare, and waiting places or queues for this transport, airports and travelling on planes.

The Carnival Round at Ormeau at this point in time is still on but we will need to follow Government requirements once the Lockdown finishes on Friday evening. As soon as those conditions are known we can make a decision on whether the Carnival continues or not.



Upper Ormeau Rd & Tillyroen Rd, Kingsholme QLD 4208, Australia

  • [2021-Mar-03 06:45 PM] Jason Graham: Updated
  • [2021-Mar-03 06:46 PM] Jason Graham: Updated
  • [2021-Jun-21 04:42 PM] Jason Graham: Updated
  • [2021-Jun-30 06:45 AM] Jason Graham: Updated

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