
2022 Boot Camp

from 4:00pm Fri, 25 Feb 2022
to 11:00am Sun, 27 Feb 2022

by Cameron Pleydell
Posted: over 2 years ago
Updated: over 2 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Brisbane
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:00am Sunday 27 February 2022 (duration is 2 days)

The time has come to announce the season 2022 Boot Camp!!

This is the one you don’t want to miss as it is a highly anticipated event on our 2022 calendar.

At this stage attendance numbers are capped at 30. This could be subject to change pending on response/interest.

We have booked cabins to accommodate the specified number. However, there is potential to book more cabins. Plus, camping sites are available.

Please respond as going on the Teamapp post ONLY, as it is hard to keep track of attendees over two platforms.

If you do not appear on the Teamapp register, we will assume you are not attending.

$100.00 p/h. Includes 2 nights accommodation, 2 x breakfasts and 1 x lunch.
Also included is participation in the mini golf tournament.

There will be a light hearted training session, mini golf tournament and teams pool table competition.

Please direct deposit your payment prior to the even to:
Sunshine Coast Masters
BSB: 064420
ACC no: 11095525


1 Beach Rd, Noosa North Shore QLD 4565, Australia


Replies are closed.

Limit: 30 members.

0 people invited.
196 people did not reply.

16 people replied 'yes'.

Reply details hidden.

  • [2022-Feb-10 06:06 AM] Cameron Pleydell: Updated
  • [2022-Feb-16 08:20 PM] Cameron Pleydell: Updated

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